All residential plans of Cheryl O’Brien Homes Ltd. are provided AS IS and Cheryl O’Brien Homes Ltd. disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including merchantability or fitness of purpose. Cheryl O’Brien Homes Ltd. is not liable for incidental, special, consequential or indirect damages of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, loss of profits, business opportunity or other economic loss arising out of the use of plans provided by Cheryl O’Brien Homes Ltd. Cheryl O’Brien Homes Ltd. disclaims any responsibility for any home constructed from this plan. Prior to construction, the purchaser of this plan must contact local building officials to determine the applicable plan, code and site requirements. Cheryl O’Brien Homes Ltd does not warrant the structural integrity and/or construction of any building built from this plan. The plan purchaser is responsible for verifying all dimensions and obtaining, prior to construction, any and all appropriate structural analysis, engineering and other specifications that may be required by local jurisdictions. Any modification or change in this plan should be made only by a qualified designer, architect, contractor or structural engineer, as even minor changes can result in significant problems in another area